Report for Wednesday, June 14th

Thanks for the e-mails, my surgeon released me, said my recovery was amazing and she would see me in a year. How bleeping good is that?

So the London Mirror made a big splash yesterday that Jamie Foxx had contacted them and all is alright, no problem, he’s fine, healing, headed back to work and looking forward to doing some live stand up later this summer. The only problem, The Hollywood Reporter, TMZ, Variety, LA Times and New York Post never heard anything from Jamie, and couldn’t confirm it. So, what’s the deal?

TV News: The filthy, vulgar, disgusting, HBO show, The Idol, which basically praises and almost encourages rape is the worst thing I have ever seen on television. It lost over 60% of it’s audience and rumors thousands have canceled their HBO subscriptions! … On a much lighter note, two new shows getting green lighted by Sony TV Studios, an animated version of the old Bewitched Show. Might be good, but how many people even remember Bewitched. Personally I loved the show and Elizabeth Montgomery, the star, was one hot pocket. Sadly she died of colon and liver cancer at the age of 63.

Sports Shorts: Congratulations to the Denver Nuggets, at least I got that right, no comment regarding the Stanley Cup play-offs where I picked the Florida Panthers. … Only in Las Vegas. The Oakland A’s are moving to Las Vegas and the city has agreed to build them an enclosed stadium, which is a good idea since the average temperature in Vegas in August is 104! But here’s what’s unusual, the stadium will only hold 30,000 people! By far, the smallest stadium in the majors. But it’s Las Vegas and there will be more luxury boxes and the casinos are buying every seat and every game a sellout. That’s Vegas! 

Odds and Ends: There’s a story that Taylor Swift uses a self playing piano on stage during concerts. I say so what? Taylor Swift is still the best concert out there. … Very quietly Disney Corporation has laid off over 6,000 people. So much for being the happiest place on Earth.


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