Report for Thursday, June 15th

Love Nuggets: Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner dated for years before the got married 9 years ago, even had children before the wedding! And they agreed to a prenup that if Christine ever divorced him, she would get $1.2 million. So, with word that Kevin had been wondering off the reservation, she filed for divorce and Kevin gave her the $1.2 million and demanded she leave the house. She argues there are now children involved and refused to leave the house. Costner is expected in court next week to force her to leave. And while Costner was worth about $80 million when they started dating, he’s now worth $270 million. What do you think?

Movie News: Step aside Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, The Flash is here and I will review it tomorrow. … 81 years ago Bambi, a huge hit from Walt Disney! Now Disney is going to make a new live action Bambi coming in 2025. 

TV News: Netflix has green lighted an 8 episode mini series loosely based on a true story, it’s called Daddy Ball. The story of two fathers, a dad-vs-dad war over their sons on a little league team that turns beyond violent. Two little boys catching, throwing and hitting a baseball to these two parents who are small time Long Island thugs who create an out of control war that destroys lives. Jason Bateman stars and directs.

Odds and Ends: You heard about Paul McCartney using AI to recreate John Lennon’s voice for a new Beatle song, now rumor that Sean Lennon and Yoko want some money.  

Just want to remind you, Father’s Day is Sunday, don’t forget dad. And a couple sidebars about celebrities and Father’s Day. Kourtney, Khloe and Kim Kardashian always visit their father Robert’s grave site on Fathers Day at the Inglewood Park Cemetery and interesting, Robert is buried a few feet away from Johnny Cockran. And there is a huge party planned Sunday by daughters Rumer, Scout and Tallulah Willis for their dad Bruce and yes, Demi Moore will be there.


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