Report for Wednesday, July 26th

Strike News: Someone who knows predicts the SAG and Writers strike will end sooner than expected. However there is a lot of talk that despite being begged to join the picketers and agreeing, Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Lawrence have been no-shows and not returning calls. But marching everyday in the heat, Steve Martin, Jack Black, Jennifer Garner, Brian Cox, Kevin Bacon and his wife Kyra Sedgwick, Michael Chiklis, Daniel Radcliffe just to name a few.

Movie Oops: I love to see continuity screw-up! Examples, in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp was spotted wearing a watch. In the Lone Ranger, you could see Jet streams in the sky. And while people were surrounding Oppenheimer waving flags, I couldn’t help but notice the flags had 50 Stars, while the scene was set in 1940, that was 19 years before Alaska and Hawaii were added to the flag, oops.

Odds and Ends: Pete Davidson will spend this afternoon in the Los Angeles Morgue, it’s part of his 50 hours of community service for his reckless driving and plowing into a house. The morgue is to stress to him what can happen do to reckless driving. … Britney Spears said her big comeback would be spearheaded by her duet with entitled, Mind Your Business, but the general public apparently doesn’t believe it’s any of their business because it is a huge flop. And it’s back to the drawing board.

Now it can be told, 88 year old war hero Frank McGivity and next door neighbor of Harry and Meghan did what he always does when a new neighbor moves in the ritzy hood, takes over a welcome gift, Well Harry and Meghan told their security to tell the old veteran they didn’t want the gift and get off their lawn! Jerks, party of two.

Who are the five riches celebrities in Hollywood? #5 Michael Jordan $2 billion,  #4 Oprah $2.6 Billion, #3 Steven Spielberg $3.2 billion, #2 surprise, Julie Louis Dreyfus who’s grandfather Jack Dreyfus started the Dreyfus financial fund, Julie is worth $3.8 Billion, #1 George Lucas who is worth $6 Billion and there you go!


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