Report for Tuesday, Aug 22nd

Love Nugget: Okay, I’m going out on the limb here. it’s August 22nd, 2023 and I predict within 12 months from today Harry and Megan will be over, kaput, aloha, see ya. … There’s a new #1 Hollywood party animal and it’s Sofia Vergara. Ever since she divorced Joe Manganiello, she has been out every night partying in Rome, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York!

I just don’t get all this woke crap! So over the weekend, the people who own all the rights to the Queen library have removed Fat Bottom Girls from their greatest hits list! Well, don’t tell Kim Kardashian or Lizzo. Who comes up with this stuff? Freddy Mercury has got to be spinning in his grave.

TV News: Jane Curtin is blasting the Saturday Night Live writers and producer Lorne Michaels as lazy, saying the show just isn’t funny anymore and the writers and Michaels don’t care! She says when John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Phil Hartman, Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner and Eddie Murphy were on, Michaels and the writers cared, but not now. 

Great three part documentary on HBO and Max, called Telemarketers. This is a must see, two drunk stoners who have spent their whole adult lives as telemarketers decide to blow the whistle and it is alarming, disgusting and hilarious! They explain all the lies, cons, scams, the robo-calls and how Congress actually supports and allows these scumbags. If you have ever been contacted by a telemarketer you’ll thank me for this. … Another great documentary that has just dropped on Paramount+ with never before seen footage and never told secrets in Reinventing Elvis: The ’68 Comeback! (4 Stars) 

Music Notes: People who have heard the duet of Let It Be with Paul McCartney and Dolly Parton say it’s fantastic and will be released in November on an LP called Rockstar. … Britney Spears is saying she wants to do a world wide tour to celebrate her divorce. However there’s one problem, not one company will insure a Britney Spears concert. Reason, she is considered unstable. No insurance, no tour.

Odds and Ends: The two safest cities in America are Dallas and Boston!


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