O.T.R. 11-25-13



It was 4 years ago Thanksgiving, Tiger Wood’s had that run in with a tree and his wife Elin’s 9 iron, now it can be told, when Tiger went to bed that night, after taking vicodin and Ambien, a suspicious Elin went through Tiger’s cell phone and found texts between Tiger and Rachel Uchitel, including Tiger texts saying how much he loved Racial.
Elin texted Rachel back as Tiger asking when they could see each other, Racial said anytime and asked where Elin was, after a few more incrementing text, the jig was up and all hell broke lose. Elin went after Tiger, he first locked himself in the bathroom, called Rachel and confirmed what had happened, then he ran outside, Elin in pursuit.

In a paid interview, Conrad Murray says every night he had to put a condom or a diaper on Michael Jackson because he was incontinent. He calls Michael was a 30 year drug addict, and it was just a matter of time before he would have overdosed anyway. Okay.

Sad NY Post Headline: you’ve heard the stories of gangs, blindsiding unsuspecting people and knocking them to the ground. It’s been happening a lot in NY, and under a photo of a woman laying on the ground, out cold, NY Post headline screamed, Holiday Beatings!

Sports Shorts: I’ll be there NY, Feb 2, Super Bowl, not a domed stadium, and Farmer’s almanac predicts it will be 22 degrees and snowing.

Politics: Obama is coming to town today, delaying traffic, dinner at Magic Johnson’s, guest includes Matt Damon, Oliver Stone, Madonna, Kanye and Kim.


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