Month: January 2017

  • Early Inauguration Nuggets

    Pop Quiz: Name the star that most of Hollywood believe has the nicest house in Hollywood. Location, pools, that homie feeling, the yard, the whole thing. Is it Jay Leno, Tom Cruise, Ryan Seacrest or Clint Eastwood? Early Inauguration Nuggets: There are now 37 cry baby Democrat members of Congress that will not attend the…

  • Now It Can Be Told

    Pop Quiz: Who originally discovered Mark Wahlberg at a bar, Ron Howard, Tom Selleck, Julia Louis Dreyfus or Penny Marshall? Movie Reviews: Opening today, Patriots Day. The Bio-docuDrama about the Boston Marathon Bombing with Mark Wahlberg as Sgt. Sanders, and John Goodman as Police Chief, Ed Davis. This is a gut wrenching fabulous film and…

  • It’s Expensive To Be Beautiful

    Pop Quiz: This week, Pop Quiz about the Presidency. Today, there are four matching cars the President uses that are bullet proof, can go 200 mph and withstand a bomb, what does the Secret Service call the Presidents car, Is it Tank, Darth, Stealth or Beast? Odds and Ends: Worse casting in years, the gorgeous,…

  • “City Does Plowsy Job”

      Pop Quiz: This week Pop Quiz’s are all about the Presidency. Today, what is the living area, the square footage of the White House, 34,000, 44,000, 54,000, or 64,000 square feet? Love Nuggets: Now that Jennifer Lopez has kicked Caspar Smart to the curb, Casper is denied entrance to all the hot clubs in…

  • Most Unbelievable News Nugget In Years

    Pop Quiz: All week long, Pop Quiz’s about the Presidency. Today, in 1790 the White House was built, how much did it originally cost, $70,000, $120,000, $170,000 or $220,000? Odds and Ends: How bad is the new Apprentice starring Arnold Schwarzenegger? So bad that NBC have already decided to cancel it after this season. ……

  • Three Movie Reviews To End The Week

    Pop Quiz: One more celebrity that owns vineyards and a successful wine line, name the star who own the Chateau winery. Is it George Clooney, Cher, Brad Pitt or Warren Beatty? Movie Reviews: First a TV movie Saturday Night on HBO called Bright Lights, a documentary/biopic about Debbie Reynolds and daughter Carrie Fisher. Behind the…

  • “He’s Rich And Towerfull”

    Pop Quiz: Another wine question, name the celebrity who owns a very successful wine label in the U.S. – Carmel Fine Wines. Is it Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson or Sally Field or Demi Moore? Is it true Porsche and Ellen are having serious problems again. Is it true Adele got married but she still goes…

  • Experts Picks For The Golden Globes

    Pop Quiz: Name the Australian star who owns vineyards and one of the most successful wines in that country, the label is Koala Blue Wines. Is it Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman or Olivia Newton John? Here are the experts picks for the Golden Globe winners which airs on Sunday. Best Picture Drama, Manchester…

  • “Go Away And Don’t Come Hack”

    Pop Quiz: Gallup did a poll asking 1000 men if they aspired to hooking up on an airplane and being part of the Mile High Club, what percentage of those men said yes, they would like to be in the Mile High Club. Is it 33%, 43%, 53%, 63%? Year Ending TV Nuggets: Best 2016…