Month: January 2016

  • “Ewe-Turn”

    Pop Quiz: What is the minimum salary for an NBA player? Is it 750,000, 1 million, 1.25 million or 1.5 million dollars minimum salary? Movie Reviews: Ride Along 2, a comedy that’s not funny! Hideous. (1 Stars) 13 Hours about Benghazi, loved it. (3 Stars) Odds and Ends: With women expected to be coming out…

  • “I am a marvelous house keeper…”

    Pop Quiz: Name the President who bread dogs after leaving office. Is it George Washington, Harry Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson or Gerald Ford? Odds and Ends: Steven Tyler has changed, doesn’t bar hop, no more drugs and all nighters, his most important thing in life is being a grandfather again. Daughter Liv is expecting her…

  • “Lady Beef Take”

    Pop Quiz: Name the star who played running back for 2 years when in college. Is it Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Bill Cosby or James Earl Jones? Turning heads: Suki Waterhouse, Bradley Cooper’s ex, and Kelly Rohrbach,  Leonardo DiCaprio’s ex have been hitting all the night spots together, two hotties! Movie News: It was the…

  • “Biebs & Temple of Dumb”

    Pop Quiz: Name the star who does impressions, and his best impression is a perfect Bill Clinton. Is it Kevin Spacey, Bryan Cranston, Steve Carell or Daniel Craig? Odds and Ends: While Obama was on vacation in Hawaii, he looked at a house at 51 Kaikea in Kailua, Oahu, an ocean front on 2 ½…

  • Golden Globes Report

    Pop Quiz: Name the star who took gymnastics when she was 7, fell off the parallel bars and broke both arms. Is it Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Tina Faye or Tina Turner? First things first, so sad the news of the passing of David Bowie. He was a avant garde, one of a kind artist.…

  • Movie shocker

    Pop Quiz: What is President Obama’s all time favorite food, says he’d eat it everyday. Is it steak, spaghetti, nachos or lobster? Instant Movie Review: Revenant is gut wrenching, hard to watch, violent and riveting. But a great movie just the same, it’s biggest problem it’s over 2 ½ hours! (Rated R) – (3 Stars)…

  • Saw two headlines that got my attention

    Pop Quiz: Name the Oscar winner who acts like a regular guy, goes shopping at the grocery store, the mall, washes his car at those coin operated car washes, and always poses for autographs and pictures. Is it Eddie Redmayne,  Matthew McConaughey, Daniel Day Lewis or Jeff Bridges? Love Nuggets: Things seem to be getting…

  • An interesting new bar has just opened in Australia

    Pop Quiz: Name the actress who just signed to star in the biopic as Marilyn Monroe. Is it Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Chastain, Rachel McAdams, January Jones? Love Nuggets: Leonardo DiCaprio has kicked girlfriend of 9 months, Kelly Rohrbach to the curb and Kelly says, that’s fine with her says Leo is a great guy but…

  • “That’s Duct Up”

    Pop Quiz: Name the actor who makes the most money doing voices acting features. Is it Mark Hamill, Sam Elliott, Bryan Cranston or Tom Selleck? A Southern California Family Court Judge tells me that barring any abuse or illegal behavior, when push comes to shove, Madonna’s 15 year old Rocco, is old enough, to make…

  • Welcome to 2016!

    Pop Quiz: Who quietly plays a lot of golf with President Obama. Is it Chris Rock, Cuba Gooding Jr, Denzel Washington, or Samuel L. Jackson? Hot NFL Nuggets: The NFL is talking with Rihanna and Beyonce about doing a song with Coldplay during Super Bowl halftime, but don’t hold your breath. AND, the NFL is…