This week’s Pop Quiz theme is who has more money in Hollywood. Today, who’s got the most money according to taxes and open moving papers, Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, Michael Jordan or Beyonce?
An early, important Movie Review. Today I can review Chappaquiddick, the true story, supported by hard facts about the night Senator Ted Kennedy was drunk, swigging whiskys out of a bottle and driving a car with a young girl, not his wife, when he crashed into a river. The Senator escaped but didn’t even try to help the girl get out of the car. She lived for a half hour as the car slowly filled with water, it was a terrible death. A fabulous job done by Australian actor Jason Clarke plays Ted Kennedy, a great support cast including Kate Mara, Ed Helms, and Bruce Dern. Ted Kennedy spent the hours after the wreck screaming, I need an alibi, begging his dad and brothers for help! (4 Stars). And, some democrats tried to stop it’s release. For your information, 3 more movie reviews tomorrow.
Odds and Ends: Kallie Cuoco is the second highest paid actress in Hollywood, and she’s in negotiations to be the spokes person for a major car company and a huge internet information conglomerate. Can you sat ka-ching! … Elton John turned 71 last week, and now has a full time trainer travel with him. … Two Odd Celebrity Lists. Celebs who were adopted, Bill Clinton, Faith Hill, Jamie Foxx, Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela and Eric Clapton. Celebrities who are Ordained Ministers, Stevie Nicks, Lady Gaga, Jonah Hill, Keesha and Emma Stone.
Another thing that bothers me. Why do we trust the guy who handles all our financial investments, our Broker?
Answer – Stallone has $400 million, Mel Gibson $425 million, Beyonce $450 million, and Michael Jordan, not close, $1 Billion.
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