Pop Quiz: There has been 23 007 James Bond Movies, but according to the official 007 Bond Website, there are only 20 official Bond Girls, How many of those Bond Girls are Americans? Is it 10, 5 or none?
Movie Review: Fury opens today and stars Brad Pitt as a tough Sargent in charge of a tank that goes behind enemy lines at the end of WW2, with a 5 man crew determined to win despite going against huge odds. War movies are mostly the same but this is better than most. (Rated R) – (135 Minutes) – (3 Stars)
Believe it or not, October is National Toilet Repair Month, I’m not making this up either, four stars once had jobs cleaning toilets, Nichole Kidman at the Sydney Australia Capitol Theater, Hugh Grant cleaned toilets when he worked at IBM, Puff Daddy cleaned toilets while working at a Mexican Restaurant in New York, and Al Pacino cleaned toilets at a small Brooklyn Theater.
N.Y. Post Headline, above a picture of what has become a top selling Halloween costume, a hazmat suit with mask and Ebola proof on it, New York Post headline screamed, “Sick or Treat”.
Hollywood Date in History Oct 16, 1962 TV’s Gilligan’s Island debuted and it was the only time we heard Gilligan’s first name, know what was it? Answer – Willy. And, on this date in 1920 the first American Radio station was granted a license, can you name the station and/or city that station is located? KDKA, Pittsburgh.
Answer – According to the Official 007 site, 9 English, 2 Italians, 2 French, 2 Japanese, a Chinese, 1 German, 1 Israeli, 1 Swiss and 1 Serbian, there has never been an official American bond girl!
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