Report for Wednesday, Sept 16th

We have a lot of TV stuff today. First, Netflix aired that child pornography film, Cuties, that have cost them billions. And yesterday I saw their new animated TV show Hoops. In a few words, it’s vulgar, filthy, obscene, and bad plot (0 Stars). … And the hits just keep coming, Drew Barrymore’s new TV Talk show is better than any celebrity talk show on the air. … Jeopardy’s back with Alex Trebek. Alex still fighting pancreatic cancer but looks good.

Movie Review: Loved, Concrete Cowboy starring Idris Elba and Caleb McLaughlin as his son in a true story about the real Fletcher Street Stables in South Philadelphia where modern day black cowboys take in horses nobody wants and gives them a new life. All this while hanging around burning 20 gallon barrels at night, loud hip-hop music, cheap wine and free spirits, but all with good souls. Caleb is Elba’s delinquent 16 year old son who’s mom has sent him from Detroit to Philly. (Rated R) – (3 Stars).  

Odds and Ends: Reminds me, Kanye West bought a horse farm and is breeding thoroughbreds. … I told you so two weeks ago, Britney Spears is retiring and she confirmed it yesterday. … Little birdie tells me Paris Hilton had a secret lunch with producers of The Masked Singer. … By the end of the week, there will have been 4 million acres burned in California. … What up with Tallulah Willis releasing a photo of her bare butt? Don’t get me wrong, nice butt, but so what? Tallulah hasn’t been in a movie for 16 years with The Whole Ten Yards. … Buckingham Palace is quietly erasing all pictures, news releases, comments and references to Prince Andrew from all official Royal history. What’s that tell you. … Have you ever watched England’s Mr. Bean? Here’s some wild facts about Mr. Bean. 1, He is more popular in England than Princess Di and Paul McCartney. 2, He has 96 million twitter followers. 3, His passports simply reads, Mr. Bean. 4, Best Friend is Tony Blair and 5, When he met Queen Elizabeth, she dropped a handkerchief just as he bowed, he head butted her and the Queen went down.


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