Report for Wednesday, Nov 2nd

Love Nuggets: The Leonardo DiCaprio and Gigi Hadid relationship is the real deal. They have been spotted together all over the world in just the last 2 months. … Friends of Prince Harry say that Meghan keeps him, “Emotionally needy”.  What’s that?

TV News: CNN is about to lay off 40% of their employees. Twitter to follow. 

TV Ratings: Both last Saturday’s Saturday Night Live and The World Series have had big ratings bumps.

Music Note: Good for Taylor Swift who has all Top 10 singles on Billboard but sales are terrible! Total sale under 75,000. But like the old days artists still never get paid.

Odds and Ends: There’s an old saying in Hollywood, “You’ll never work in this town”. And that could very well be the case for Kanye West. Everybody has turned against him and he just keeps digging a deeper grave every time he opens his mouth! That reminds me, speaking of never working in this town again, what warrants that? Hollywood has odd standards, remember when Chris Brown and Rihanna were dating and one night Brown beat the hell out of her so bad she needed to be hospitalized. But now Disney+ is welcoming Chris Brown to be on their Dancing With The Stars. But yet, Seinfeld’s Michael Richard, A.K.A. Kramer, 16 years ago while drunk at 1 A.M. performing at a L.A. comedy club and being heckled for an hour by two drunks, he yelled the N-Word at them! Now that was wrong, but Richards has been blackballed and hasn’t worked in 16 years! … Yesterday at the Winesleeze trial the judge shocked everybody by saying he hopes to have the trial done and over by December! Enough already. … Don’t know why but Michael Douglas has dyed his white hair an ugly auburn red. … It all started on the set of Star Trek, and that was over a half a century ago, the 50 year feud between William Shatner and George Takei and they still don’t speak. There are many reasons, Takei being jealous, Takei having trouble remembering lines and showing up late, Shatner cutting his lines, and on and on. I say let it go!


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