Report for Wednesday, May 27th

Pop Quiz: According to Publicist, these are the four happiest couples in Hollywood, but who do they rank as the happiest? Is it Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, John Krasinski and Emily Blunt or Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry?

I have a ton of television news, ESPN’s Last Dance was great and so is their next documentary, it’s on Lance Armstrong, that lying creepy cheater who’s is still in denial. … Another must see documentary, Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez. Incredible! Currently on Netflix, I mean this guy murdered two people (we know of) and then went out and played a season in the NFL. Twisted, unbelievable and it’s just a shocking story. … One more documentary, Netflix has added a new, in depth follow-up to Dirty John, the romeo real life killer! If you read the stories, seen the TV News accounts or the other shows about him, you’ll want to see this too. Called Dirty John: The Dirty Truth on Netflix. … Three biggest winners and losers on TV this year. Winners, all 3 ORD shows, Fire, Med, PD, plus Masked and Bachelor. Biggest losers, This is Us, Young Sheldon and Last Man Standing.

A historic event is scheduled today, weather permitting. Wish I was there, I’ve been at Pad 39A in Cape Canaveral for several launches, including John Glenn’s second flight and the Challenger Shuttle which ended in the death of all the astronauts including Ellison Onizuka from Kealakekua, Hawaii, who I interviewed a week before the tragedy. It’s been a decade since an American launch, and they’ll be in a new designed capsule which will be headed to the Space Station. Launch is at 4:33 P.M. Eastern Time

Odds and Ends: Miley Cyrus has gone from a goofy mullet to a really cute pixie cut. … And you can’t make this up, The Elvis Presley Foundation is auctioning off Elvis’s jeweled jock strap, complete with his initials. Opening bid, $35,000. The story is Elvis was wearing it when he croaked on the crapper.

Answer – #4 Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld, #3 Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, #2 John Krasinski and Emily Blunt and #1 Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry.


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