Report for Wednesday, May 22nd

This week’s Pop Quiz Theme is just fun, interesting stuff. Today, according to Triple A, what is the best free place to visit this summer, these are the Top 4 places but which one is number 1? Is it Albuquerque, Grand Canyon, Fort Myers Coast line or Biloxi Shores? All have lots of free attractions.

TV News: Don’t miss, When They See Us, a true Netflix miniseries, about a 1989 rape of a white woman by 5 black teenagers, two are 13, 1 is 14, 1 is 15 and last a 16 year old. They were all charged with rape, a rape they did not commit! They were railroaded by crooked N.Y. cops. They all went to prison for 6 to 14 years. They were finally exonerated by an amazing twist of fate, one of the falsely accused men became friends with another prisoner, who said he couldn’t take seeing his buddy in prison because he was the man who raped the woman years earlier. He supplied his DNA, to prove it and finally the 5 were released. An unbelievable story. Don’t miss, When They See Us.” (4 Stars) Starts May 31! 

Odds and Ends: The unhappiest people on earth continues to be anybody who works at the Happiest Place on earth, Disney Inc. Disney bought Fox and now Disney is firing Fox workers. No matter what Disney buys, the first thing they do is start firing people. …There’s a movie planned regarding the class action suit being brought against the Boy Scouts for widespread sexual abuse, and so far, there are over 12,000 cases. … Jussie Smollett once worked for the Food Network and now that he’s off Empire, he plans to write a series of cookbooks. I still think there’s a chance he goes to jail. Sure, hope so. … The IRS are investigating John Travolta’s non-profit Foundation set up after his son, Jett died. The IRS and FBI believe some of that charity money has been leaked into Scientology.

Answer – #4 Biloxi Shores #3 Albuquerque #2, Fort Meyers coast and #1, easy call, Grand Canyon.


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