Report for Wednesday, May 20th

Pop Quiz: Yesterday we had Style Magazines best casually dressed celebrities while out in public. Today’s Style’s 4 worst causally dressed celebrities while out in public, but who’s the worst? Is it Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber? 

Love Nuggets: Another one bites the dust. Told you month ago Megan Fox’s 10 year marriage to Brian Green was on shaky ground. It’s been murdered by a Machine Gun, rapper Machine Gun Kelly who Megan’s been wondering off the reservation with.

Coronavirus Stuff: Ricky Gervais, who hates ego crazed celebrities, is begging the producers of Great Britain’s N.H.S. New Year’s Honers show to not give awards to celebrities, but instead give awards to Health Care workers and others battling Coronavirus. By the way, N.H.S. stands for National Health Service. Sure makes since to me.

California Gov. Newsom recently flew on a state jet to his wife’s home in Montana. Upon arrival he ignored the 14 day quarantine, immediately went shopping at Darby Hat store, without a required mask, to buy some new boots. Do as I say, not as I do. … And L.A. nut Mayor Garcetti is talking about keeping Los Crapulous, sewer by the Sea, closed until there is a cure. Well, Garcetti just got the news, 338,000 signatures have been delivered demanding his recall. That’s a cure for Los Angeles.

TV News: Did Ryan Seacrest have a mini-stroke or just a brain fart during the A.I. finale and why was he absent the next day with Kelly. Just asking but that’s the rumor. … Also, following American Idol’s huge ratings as a lead in, Taylor Swift special took a rating dump. Taylor’s record sales have been falling, she may take a year hiatus for re-tooling. … Media note, it appears the National Enquirer is about to go Chapter 13, see ya..

Shocking: The year’s only 5 months old and we’ve already lost Jerry Stiller, Robert Conrad, John Prine, Kobe Bryant, Little Richard, Kirk Douglas, Ken Osmond, Kenny Rogers, Fred Willard and newsman Jim Lehrer. So many so soon, so sad. 

Answer – #4 Justin Bieber, #3 Lady Gaga, #2 Miley Cyrus and #1 Nicki Minaj.


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