Report for Wednesday, May 1st

Pop Quiz Theme this week, Hollywood Hotties. All 4 of these hotties are hot, but name the hottie who is Hollywood’s best female golfer, graduated High School at 16, has 2 Harley Davidsons and has severe ADHD and takes Ritalin daily. Is it Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston or Brie Larson?

TV News: The Kentucky Derby is Saturday and I love the festival, and always throw down a few quid just for fun. While Omaha Beach is a 3-1 favorite, I’m putting 20 bucks down across the board on two long shots, War of Will (25-1) and Win-Win-Win (30-1). My all-time favorite horse was a nag that never won a race, named Miss Never Miss. … Judge Judy will get the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Emmy folks. She’s deserves it.

Movie News: So, of all the stars in the Marvel/Avenger franchise, there was only one actor who agreed to take a minimum scale in return for part of the backend profit, Robert Downey Jr. is the guy, who has to date made $76,450,000.

Legal Stuff: Congress is debating two different bills, one allowing minors 16 years old to vote, the other bill, debating raising the age to 21 for buying cigarettes. Odd, just think about that. … Hot scoop, despite being sentenced to 10 years in prison, there is talk that Bill Cosby, because of poor health, good behavior and age, could be released in 2021. … So, I’ve always said Kim Kardashian can’t act, sing or dance, but she is dead serious about being an attorney. She’s asked to work part time at Robert Shapiro’s law offices, while studying paralegal requirements and reportedly will registering to a law school this fall. … What is the deal with Americans and their love for celebrities? Cheating mom Lori Laughlin is charged with paying $500,000 in bribes in the college scandal, yet following her appearance in court last week, over 100 people stood in line for her autograph, what the hell? 

Answer – Jessica Alba


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