Report for Wednesday, May 17th

Love Nuggets: Is It True, Justin Bieber and wife Hailey Baldwin are quietly trying to have a baby. They were married five years ago, have had problems but now a go! When Elvis divorced Priscilla 50 years ago, she got everything but only until their daughter, Lisa came of age in 1986. When Lisa died this year, her three kids got everything. But Priscilla called the will a fraud, sued Lisa’s kids and insisted she had more coming! Lisa’s oldest child, Riley, to avoid a family feud has agreed to give Priscilla $6 million out of Lisa’s $120 million estate. I think some of this mess was generated by the Church of Scientology, which Priscilla is a huge follower and some would say nut. Shame, shame, shame! … Of all the celebrities who have been unfaithful, the biggest adulterer with countless wondering off the reservation over 35 years is Arnold Schwarzenegger. … So Kevin Federline and his two sons with Britney Spears are moving to Hawaii to the island of  Oahu. Look for them to move to a Kahala neighborhood or somewhere on Kalaniana’ole in Aina Haina. Love saying this, you heard it here first.

Odds and Ends: I’ve mentioned several times over the years how beautiful Megan Fox is, but also that she has deformed thumbs. For the first time ever, Megan is talking, saying she doesn’t understand why people are so fascinated with her thumbs. Well Meagan, It’s because they look like big toes. Can’t pronounce the condition but it is a bone mutation. … On the other hand, if you’ll excuse the pun, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones daughter Carys. It is her debut and she is stunning. Oh yeah, should probably mention her dad, Michael Douglas was given the coveted Palme d’Or, the highest award from the Cannes Film Festival. … And only in Hollywood, the strippers at the North Hollywood famed strip club, the Star Garden Topless Dive Bar are the first strippers to unionize with the Actor’s Equity. You just can’t make this stuff up.

Keep getting best wishes and thanks to everybody, talk to you tomorrow, aloha!


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