Report for Wednesday, Mar 18th

Pop Quiz: All week long the best States for various things. Today these are the 4 best States to raise a family with parks, education, kid friendly libraries, etc. but which is the best? Is it Vermont, North Dakota, Massachusetts or Minnesota?

Update on the Coronavirus you may not have heard. From Hollywood just days from wrapping production, TV’s Fargo and the movie Avatar have shut everything down and SNL is suspended until further notice. Big Brother is planning to go ahead with their summer show but is isolating and testing the contestants right now, despite taping doesn’t start in 3 months. … Publicity whore Kris Jenner actually put out press release that she tested negative. What an incredible ego, to actually put out a press release, Hey Kris we don’t care. Rod Stewart says to hell with Coronavirus! Say’s he’s not going to stop eating out every night. And on Monday he had 37 people over to his place, all partying like big dogs. …  Very odd, while there are no Coronavirus cases in the L.A. County Jail system, they have released almost a thousands prisoners to be safe. Safe from what? Makes no sense. 

I’ve been saying since the end of the football season that you could take it to the bank, Tom Brady was leaving the N. E. Patriots. Well, Brady made that official yesterday. However I was wrong about him going to the Titans or Raiders. Time will tell where he’ll go.

Odds and Ends: So if you had planned to go to Coachella, may I recommend instead you do Couchella. Appearing on the Hulu stage, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Bob’s Burgers and Seinfeld. Over on the Disney+ stage Frozen and Black Panther. And appearing on Netflix’s stage, The Office, Narcos and The Circle. It’s all free, in your front room, it’s Couchella. By the way I really like the show The Circle on Netflix, it’s a lot like Big Brother but the contestants never see each other, all communication is texts. And the cat fishing makes it fun. 

Answer – #4 Vermont, #3 North Dakota, #2 Massachusetts and #1 Minnesota.


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