Report for Wednesday, Mar. 13th

This week’s Pop Quiz Theme, celebrities who have the best teeth. Who has the whitest, straightest teeth, Anne Hathaway, Kim Kardashian, Julia Roberts or Tom Cruise? 

Our new Wednesday feature, a mini-profile. Today, it’s Justin Timberlake. His dad was a Baptist preacher and he learned to sing in church. He lost on Star Search but was a regular on the Mickey Mouse Club with fellow class members, Ryan Gosling, Keri Russell, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. Rumored that Britney and Justin were each other’s first, if you know what I mean. Justin is a sports nut, collects Sports Jerseys, and has 500 of them. He’s a scratch golfer, wanted to ski in the Olympics and now trying to buy an Indy car. Justin has a restaurant called Southern Hospitality in N.Y. 2nd Ave and 79th Street. Been there and I loved his Catfish Stew, collard greens, black eye peas and top it off with some sweet potato pie.  

Odds and Ends: No surprise couple big name Hollywood stars being indicted for paying off colleges to get their kids enrolled. These are the same folks who try to tell us how to vote. Why would anybody listen to these phonies? And For your information, more celebrities are expected to be named so stay tuned. … No surprise R. Kelly says he’ll prove he’s the victim at the hands of these 13 and 16-year-old girls. You don’t have to look any further than Kelly refusing to pay a penny of child support to know he’s a deadbeat dad and deadbeat human being. … The two men who have accused Kevin Spacey of sexual battery have asked their names to be kept secret. Meanwhile, some of Spacey’s Hollywood buddies are begging his agent and Hollywood to start pitching him for parts and let him back to work. … Jussie Smollett was in court yesterday, lying again, back in court Thursday. … Weather news, Tuesday, my Denver guys played golf, 62 degrees. Today, they’re skiing and it’s 26 degrees.

Answer – #4 Anne Hathaway, #3 Kim Kardashian, #2 Tom Cruise but #1 is Julia Roberts.


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