Report for Wednesday, June 8th

Music Pop Quiz: Today, name the super star who when young would go door to door passing out Jehovah Witness Watchtowers? Answer at the end of the report. 

Love Nuggets: The Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie divorce has been going on for years and it’s about to turn very ugly. Jolie is getting down and dirty and play fast and loose with the truth. 

So, Brad is about to drop some nuggets that could cause some serious legal trouble for her.  Angelina is a piece of work! I remember her dad, Jon Voight saying, and I quote, “I love my Angelina, but sometimes she’s hard to like.”

Mathew McConaughey was brilliant yesterday explaining why we need new gun laws while saying things that would make Democrats and Republicans love him and hate him! All great down to earth stuff! I say Matthew for President.

Early Movie Review: I have never been a big Adam Sandler fan, always considered him a one trick pony, but I liked Uncut Gems and I like Hustle! Adam plays a NBA scout for the Philadelphia 76ers who wants to move up in the organization but is stuck on the road looking for the next big star. When he finds him in Spain, the story takes some twists and turns that is compelling, surprising and entertaining. Another big surprise is how good Queen Lutifa is as Sandler’s long suffering wife. (Rated R) – (2 Hours) – (3 Stars). 

Odds and Ends: So there has been this on going argument on who was the best dancer, Chris Brown or Michael Jackson. I’ve seen them both, no contest, Michael Jackson could dance rings around Brown. The only thing Brown did better was doing back flips, but if you ask me, back flips isn’t dancing.

And another story from those great who are no longer here, Queen announced they have found a never released Freddy Mercury song, Face It Alone, that will be released soon.

Answer – Prince.

If you like music trivia get my buddy Bill Cleven’s book at,


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