Report for Wednesday, June 3rd

I have new news on the current rioting going on and I said rioting, not the peaceful protesters who I truly respect. For some completely unknown reason rioters have burned down much of Fordham University in New York, already some Fordham alum such as Faith Evans, Alan Alda, Denzel Washington, Susan Lucci and Vin Scully have said they will donate money to rebuild their university.

Gangs of looters in L.A., Seattle and S.F.O. have been going into homeless areas, stealing what they wanted and then, your not going to believe this, they then gathered the homeless people’s clothes and burned them while laughing at the homeless folks who were begging them not to destroy what little they had left. These are lawless gangs. … And hundreds of people who need meds to stay alive, cancer meds, insulin and other drugs, can’t get them at their drug stores because the drug stores have been looted. F.Y.I. leading peaceful demonstrations 12 hours a day in L.A. is Paris Jackson.

More great documentaries, including, The Greatest Team That Almost Never Was. It’s the story of the USC football team that in 1970 decided to recruit the best football players at all positions, not just running backs, no matter what their color. Written, produced and directed by Jamal Trulove. For the record, Jamal did six years in prison for murder until DNA proved him innocent, also proven that S.F.O. cops framed him. Upon his release, the city of San Francisco paid him $13 million for his troubles. Jamal starred and spear headed the Sundance award winning film, Last Black Man In San Francisco. The Greatest Team That Almost Never Was, looks at the total integration of college sports and some froggy shameful behavior.

Another great mini-series that is currently running on HBO is, I know This Much Is True, an incredible, fabulous series starring Mark Ruffalo as Dominick Birdsey and he plays Thomas Birdsey his identical twin brother who often magically share the screen. Their love is very strong, but one brother suffers paranoid schizophrenia and is suicidal. Again, currently running, 6 episodes and Melissa Leo and Rosie O’Donnell are fabulous.

Have a great and safe day and talk to you tomorrow!


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