Report for Wednesday, July 8th

Here’s the Inside scoop on Johnny Depp’s Libel suit versus the London Sun. Yesterday, Amber Heard was there, saying she has proof Depp is a wife beater but on the other hand former girlfriend, Winona Ryder, best friend James Franco and Johnny’s baby momma Vanessa Paradis are there in support of Depp. As a teenager, Depp had a garage band in Florida called, The Kids. One of the band members who has known Depp since teenagers told me yesterday, Johnny has never been violent other than Feb 20th, 1994 when he admitted being drunker than any other time in his life and trashed a hotel room. It should be pointed out, there was no woman in the room or even with Depp that night. Should also be pointed out, Depp has always been a one woman at a time type of guy. And several of Depp’s best friends had warned him that Amber was a loose cannon, begging him not to marry her. However, Amber says she has detailed stories when Depp attacked her on their jet in L.A., N.Y., Tokyo and the Bahamas. Who knows how this ends, but if I was a betting man, I think Depp wins. The trial is expected to last 3 weeks.

More Legal News: Child sex trafficker, Ms. Maxwell will be in a N.Y. court on Friday and the latest possible witnesses list include Prince Andrew, Mayor Cuomo, Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Kevin Bacon, Woody Allen,  Mike Bloomberg, Martha Stewart, Taylor Swift, Mick Jagger, Elon Musk and Piers Morgan. All are friends of Maxwell and Is It True, you can add Tom Hanks to who was on Epstein’s private plane manifest and on Epstein’s Island.  And more hot scoopage, Maxwell has sex tapes secretly shot without those being filmed were aware. Stay tuned folks.

Coronavirus Update: While cases are going up due to more testing, deaths are going down. In April, 2225 people were dying a day, in May it was down to 499 a day. And please note, 1400 seniors die everyday in Nursing homes, some from coronavirus.


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