Report for Wednesday, July 7th

Love Nugget: Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry and Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are in Italy, both couples want to buy a place near George Clooney’s Villa! Nice!

Heads up, regarding the Olympics that start in two weeks. While there will be a lot of TV replays, important to note since the games are in Tokyo, live events will be at odd times here in North America. Example the Opening Ceremonies will be July 23rd, televised live at 4AM pacific time, 7 AM eastern. There will be some event on 24/7. You’ll be able to watch the games on NBC, The Peacock Network, The Golf Channel, NBC Sports channel, Youtube, Fubo TV, USA Network, CNBC, CNN and Telemundo. Speaking of the Olympics, a breaking story that’s going to get louder as the Games get closer. 61,000 Olympic athletes, trainers, managers and support teams have been vaccinated in countries that have almost no vaccines available. These healthy people received vaccines while the general population and those most needing the vaccine like doctors, health care workers and the elderly were put at the end of the line. This includes countries like, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brazil, Argentina, Liberia, Afghanistan, Niger, Uganda, Ukraine, Portugal, Greece and Denmark just to name a few. This is disgraceful and you can blame the International Olympic Committee who says the show must go on, no matter what.

Odds and Ends: Britney Spears dad is a huge alcoholic. When married to Lynne, she once took a shotgun to his indoor bar. And Britney’s sister, her boyfriend and her staff all say, when her dad is referring to Britney he calls her that whore or slut. And even with that some stupid judge lets him to continue to rule her life.  

When talking about celebrities with the most children, there are a lot with 5 kids and several with 6 kids including Madonna, Steven Spielberg, Robert De Niro, Brad and Angelina, however, effective last week a new #1 Nick Cannon just welcomed his 7th child. Only 2 kids with his only wife, Mariah Carey and 5 with other women. Nick’s a busy guy.


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