Report for Wednesday, July 22nd

Special report today but first, while Kim is calling it a little vacation, she has moved out of the house she shares with Kanye. Draw your own conclusions.

 Tomorrow Major League Baseball begins and the NFL opens camp and I can’t wait. So today here are some sports nuggets. 

Because of the coronavirus, some NFL players are questioning their safety about opening practice tomorrow and this is because the idiot NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell. Look, if Disney can come up with a plan to open and keep people and employees safe, you would think Roger could do the same for the NFL. But he’s been silent. No answers, no comment, no nothing. Goodell makes $40 million dollars a year and is as useful as a condom with a hole in it. No wonder he gets booed at every stadium. 

Speaking of the NFL, the best investment in American history involves the NFL. In 1920, George Halas paid $100 dollars for the Chicago Bear franchise. 100 years later in 2020, his granddaughter still owns the Chicago Bears and now valued at $3.45 billion. So that $100 investment has increased 3,449,990,800%. Ah, not bad!

Not all the news on the NFL is good, in the last 20 years 656 NFL players have been arrested on Felony charges. Leading the league in arrests are Vikings with 42, Cincinnati with 40, and Denver Broncos with 36. Teams with the fewest arrests are Giants with 13, Arizona with 12 and Jets with 11.

One quick Baseball nugget, when my old buddy, Tommy LaSorda was pitching for the then Brooklyn Dodgers and was told he was being released for a younger lefthand pitcher, LaSorda snapped, saying no punk kid could be as nearly as good as him and demanded to know who this snot nose upstart was, It was Sandy Koufax. Play ball.

You may have heard about 6 year old Bridger Walker who jumped in front of a wild dog to save his baby sister and was badly mauled. This is an exclusive, Robert Downey Jr. is giving Bridger a small part in his upcoming movie Pinocchio.


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