Report for Wednesday, Jan 23rd

(No Audio for Today)

Pop Quiz theme this week, things or people that a celebrities love. Today, name the celebrity who loves Donald Trump. Is it Rami Malek, Ronnie Howard, Mike Tyson or Michael Jordan?

Oscar Crap: This years nominations are the worst selection I’ve seen in 30 years. First, I didn’t get Roma. It’s about a maid working for a family in Mexico City in the 70’s with subtitles. And I didn’t get The Favourite, about two feuding queens in the 17th century, however both received the most nominations with 10 each. Unbelievable! Neil Armstrong story, First Man, Mary Poppins Returns, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? and finally, Quiet Place, all took the pipe. Ridiculous! The Oscars are February 24th and I’ll have more when the date get’s closer. However, I do agree with the Razzies nomination who overwhelming select Travolta and Gotti as the worst of year.

The never seen documentary about Michael Jackson that debuts at the Sundance on Friday is going to be alarming. Accusers say that when they were 9 years old Michael had secret weddings with them with rings and wedding nights. That Jacko had code words to get them to undress fasts, and a lot more. No wonder Paris Jackson is in hiding. 

N.Y. Post Headline: Over the story about a crook who stole all the money from a Girl Scout troop from selling chocolate mints and smores, headline screamed, “He’s the Cookie Monster.”

Odds and Ends: America may be the richest, greatest country in the world, but our airports suck. Horrible Traffic, slow TSA, most delays, bad food, dirty rest rooms and poor service. The 10 Worst Airports in America are #10, Sea-Tac,  #9 SFO, #8 DFW, #7 Orlando, #6 ORD, #5 FTL, #4 LAX, #3 Newark, #2 LaGuardia, #1 JFK. I have flown in-and-out of all those airports countless times, and it’s true, they all suck. 

Answer – Mike Tyson. The main reason he keeps it on the down low, Tyson is a Muslim and doesn’t think it would go well with his mosque buddies.


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