Report for Wednesday, Jan 22nd

Pop Quiz: Name the star who lost weight by eating baby food for breakfast, cottage cheese and avocado from lunch and baby food for dinner. Is it Cher, Adele, Amy Poehler, or Lady Gaga? 

Early Movie Review, opens Friday, The Last Full Measure. This is a true story about a true hero who deserved the Medal of Honor for his unbelievable bravery during the Vietnam War, but very dishonorable secrets kept it from happening for 40 years. Starring Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Irvine, Ed Harris, and Peter Fonda in his last film. Movies don’t get any better than this. Go see The Last Full Measure. (4 Stars).

Interesting, Prince Harry or should I say, just homey Harry arrived in Vancouver to reunite with wife Meghan on a WestJet flight, which is the Southwest airline of Canada. That’s a long way from the private royal jets he’s use to.

Sports Shorts: Phil Mickelson is disliked by most pro golfers, He was investigated by the SSE for inside trading. He reportedly agreed to use Calloway Golf equipment in return for them paying off his millions of dollars in gambling debts. Now, while Tiger Woods an other golfers turned down millions to play in this weekends politically incorrect Saudi Arabia Open, instead playing in the Phoenix Open. But not Phil, he’s off to Saudi, obviously money means more to him and hell with being politically correct. And don’t be fooled by that coy, shy, phony smile Phil always flashes for the cameras.

Last night I had a weird dream, I dreamed I was a cowboy! Not a Dallas Cowboy, a real cowboy hanging out at the Longbranch saloon with a horse. Very weird! Your dream? 

Regarding that tease about my al time favorite credential that I put a picture of on my website, only 25 were given out, I got mine from the late, great Hawaii Senator, Daniel Inouye, if you didn’t see it. It’s the 1999 Senate Chamber Press Pass to Clinton’s Impeachment trial. That’s history. Certainly better than any Oscar, O.J. trial or super bowl!

Answer – Lady Gaga


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