Report for Wednesday, Aug 4th

Let’s talk about a celebrities who step up, who do really good things. We start with Miley Cyrus who’s been blasted for getting $500,000 for an hour performance at a Billionaire’s birthday party. However did you know just last year, Miley performed free for Amnesty International, Bear Necessities for Pediatric Cancer, City of Hope, Hands out for Kids, Clothes off Our Back, National Guard and Cystic Fibrosis Fund, just to name a few. Miley has helped over 40 Charities. Thought you should know. Other celebrities who make the top 10 in helping charities are Oprah, Jamie Gertz, Jami Gertz, Mel Gibson, Jerry Seinfeld, Barbra Streisand, Sandra Bullock, Elton John and Matthew McConaughey. Again, thought you should know. 

Odds and Ends: Oldies but goodies, a roadie at Radio City Music Hall, where 95 year old Tony Bennett performed last night, said that during rehearsal Tony never sounded better. Tony and Gaga will perform together again tomorrow and are releasing an LP October 1st. … Spotted having dinner at Musso and Franks, 83 year old Jethro Bodine, A.K.A. Max Baer Jr. from The Beverly Hillbillies and 89 year old, and still hot, Barbara Eden from I Dream of Jeannie.  

Medical Report: As you’ve heard, non-smoker Kathy Griffin has lung cancer and will have surgery to remove half of one of her lungs. We wish her well. After her surgery she will do PSA’s telling people how important it is to see your doctor regularly. Do you? … And word from a New Mexico hospital, Bob Odenkirk from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is recovering nicely from his heart attack. Again, everybody needs to see their doctor. … And this is a strange one, the Stanford Medical Center reports that Cannabis spray that will get you high very quick may help shrink brain tumors. Far out man. 

And I’ve saved the most ridiculous for last. Tonight on Netflix, Cooking With Paris. This is the most absurd, goofy show I have ever seen! It’s Paris Hilton and her guest cook, tonight is Kim Kardashian, and neither can boil water! It’s a kick and ridiculous!


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