Report for Wednesday, Apr 29th

Pop Quiz this week, odd celebrity questions. Today, name the celebrity who buys every tabloid and reads all of them cover to cover every week, he’s addicted. Is it Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Bacon, Steve Harvey or Tom Brady?

Today is going to be a theme, Updates. Starting with the biggest Movie Money Losers of 2019. At #5 the animated movie Missing Link lost $103 million, #4 Gemini Man, another bomb starring Will Smith,  lost $111 million, #3 Cats which lost $113 million and was so bad it held the record of most people walking out, #2 Terminator: Dark Fate the beyond horrible, corny, goofy, stinker movie starring Arnold “the Gropenator” Schwarzenegger, losings an incredible $122 million, and the biggest loser of the year, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, this action/adventure was a joke proving Jennifer Lawrence could pick a loser, it lost a whopping $133 million. … Biggest Money Maker in 2019 was Avengers: Endgame, making $860 million.

Celeb Coronavirus Updates: Ed Sheeran who owns some small businesses and has kept all employees on during the coronavirus has ripped Victoria Beckham for firing her 30 employees. … Matthew Perry is listed at 50 years old, 189 pounds and always considered one of the best dressers when on Friends. He’s still 50, 6 foot but weighs 240 lbs and dresses like a homeless person. Matthew became a hermit even before the coronavirus. 

Odds and Ends Updates: Remember Scooter Braun who cockroached some of Taylor Swift’s live recordings ? Well he released them last week and they’ve sold, ready, 42 copies. Taylor Swift is planning a celebration of his failure when she can party hardy.  … First studio to open up production, Tyler Perry’s studio in Atlanta, Georgia. … What’s Kato Kaelin up to? Well for the last 4 years, nothing. But he has a small part in a hideous movie called, War Of The Dragon about a playboy who was dumped by a bunch of strippers and bikini models. Who would go see that garbage? … Another bad flop will be, King Of Staten Island, the semi-autobiography of Pete Davidson that will not open in theaters, it’s straight to video June 12th.

Answer – Dustin Hoffman


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