Report for Wednesday, Apr. 24th

This is the last week that the Pop Quiz theme is knowing America. Today, National Geographic says these are the four most beautiful spots in America, but which is #1? Is it Sequoia National Forest California, Maroon Bells Colorado, Antelope Canyon Arizona or Kenai Fjords in Alaska? 

Wednesday’s Mini-Profile is on Jack Nicholson who is 81years old and suffering from dementia! His last movie was Bucket List in 2007, and is now retired. Jack had 12 oscar nominations and he is the only actor to be nominated over 5 decades, they were 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000. Jack won 3 best actor Academy Awards for As Good As It Gets, Terms of Endearment and my favorite movie of all time, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Jack still lives on what he calls, Bad Boy Drive, which is Mulholland Drive between Marlon Brando and Warren Beatty houses. When Brando died, Jack bought Brandon’s house and tore it down saying nobody should ever live in Brando’s house but Brando. Jack was good friends of both Fidel Castro and Jimmy Hoffa. Jack’s best friend is Roman Polanski, and it was at Jack’s house in 1977 where Polanski raped that minor. Jack loves his Lakers and New York Yankees and still goes to their games. A happy drunk but admits he has a temper. Jack now spends his time between L.A. and Hawaii.

Oh yeah, Jack’s favorite saying, “We all need a speed bump between our brain and mouth.”

Odds and Ends: I told you a month ago, Britney Spears was leaving her Vegas gig and that is being negotiated now. And how about this, Britney is the mother of two teenagers, teenagers! … A buddy at Random house say’s that Prince’s private memoirs he was working on when he died, is sensational, the book entitled, The Beautiful Ones, will be released October 29.

Answer – All of these should be on our bucket lists #4, Sequoia National Forest California, 

#3, Kenai Fjords Alaska, #2 Antelope Canyon Arizona and #1 Maroon Bells Colorado.


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