Report for Wednesday, Apr 15th

This week’s Pop Quiz best and favorite lists. Today, these movies were voted the best four horror movies in the past 5 years but which movie was voted the best horror film? Is it Get Out, Us, A Quiet Place or It? 

Love Nuggets: Despite rumors to the otherwise, Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher insist they are fine. Right, insiders say Ashton’s wondering eye has been a continuing problem, however Mila loves being a Mom and turns an eye to his wondering eye. … Then you have Jerk, jealous, vengeful Jose Canseco who hates Alex Rodreguez with a passion. Jose’s been texting J-Lo, offering proof A-Rod has been wondering off the reservation. This has been an on going feud between Jose and Alex, ever since Jose’s wife was in Playboy and Alex reportedly hooked up with her. That’s the rumor.

Coronavirus Stuff: Jogging around Silver Lake, a great neighborhood near Dodger Stadium, are James Franco, Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans. … Latest stars jogging on the beach are Jillian Michaels, Reese Witherspoon and Luke Wilson. … Not confirmed, but rumored, Barrack Obama playing golf on the private Annenberg Golf Course. Walter Annenberg died in 2002 and was one of America’s richest men bank rolled, TV Guide, many magazines and daily newspapers. Every President has stayed at Annenberg’s estate and played his private course since Eisenhower. … Exclusive, 27 cruise ship passengers who had the virus, and now off the ship, were scheduled to fly on a American Airlines chartered flight back to Dallas, but the American Airlines flight attendants union refused to allow their members to work the flight. Supervisors worked it instead. 

TV News: Huge numbers for the new Trolls World Tour movie, I gave it (4 Stars). … On the other hand another stinker replacement show coming, Disney Family Sing Along.

Great front page N.Y. Post Headline screams, Worst is Over.”

Answer – #4 Us, #3 Get Out, #2 Quiet Place, and #1 It. In case you forgot, the film was about some bullied kids who band together to destroy a monster who disguised himself as a clown in a small Maine town.


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