Report for Wednesday, Apr. 10th

This week’s Pop Quiz theme, 5 celebrities who have been named the top 5 healthiest celebrities in Hollywood.  Each day, I will name one, you must pick that one and by the way, the other 3 are also known for being health nuts. Today, is it Serena Williams, Kesha, Kelly Rippa or Arianna Huffington?

Love Nuggets: Cuba Gooding Jr. and Claudine De Niro could be announcing their engagement very soon. Claudine is Robert De Niro’s son’s former wife. Comment, whoa. … And a Brooklyn councilman wants to make prostitution legal in his borough, claiming it would bring in a lot of tax revenue. Come on man! What married guys do their thing with a prostitute, then sign-up to pay a tax and what prostitute is going to pay tax for the trick. Come on man.

I’m back on the home front, may head out to Coachella next weekend in P.S. The big headliner this year is Ariana Grande. And Ariana plans to do her medley of impressions, they are amazing. Ariana does Rihanna, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston and Britney Spears greatest hits and sounds just like them. Worth the price of admission alone, But the crowds make it miserable.

From festival concert to movie news, Rami Malek, fresh off his Oscar win for Bohemian Rhapsody to playing the villain in the next 007 movie opposite Daniel Craig, and because of that Oscar, Remi will be making twice as much than what he got playing Freddy Mercury.

TV News: It was close, but Walking Dead did, get a reprise and another season. The ratings have been slipping but rabid fans write and call in campaign worked. … And KUWK will be back for half the money as last season. And it took mama Kris to beg the girls into returning. 

Answer – 44 year old Kelly Ripa is #3. Kelly runs 3 miles a day, hour of yoga, meditates, never gets upsets and only eats fish and raw vegetables


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