Report for Tuesday, Oct 27th

TV News: Show runners are fighting over the TV movie rights of Craig Savage. Savage shot and killed his 24 year old wife, 80 year old mother in law and their dog. One of the most celebrated crimes in England’s history, coming to American Television. … Drew Barrymore’s TV show’s ratings are in free fall and her latest parachute attempt to stop it was having a psychic contact her dead uncle in a seance. Silly and kind of sad. … Tonight on NBC, the two hour fifth season of This Is Us. This is the first show that hits the air since the virus stopped all production. Producers say they wanted to get it on before the election, which leads me to believe there will be some political propaganda. … In case you care, on October 30th on the YouTube, Justin Bieber’s Next Chapter, a documentary. Like I said, In case you care. … Coming to NBC, Sovereign, is the first TV series about a present day Native American family living on an Apache reservation and their lives, loves and struggles. … Quick reminder that Bill Murray’s latest film, On the Rocks, is streaming now (4 Stars). … And a great one season series streaming on Netflix, The Queen’s Gambit (4 Stars).

Odds and Ends: Hard to know which celebrity has the most tattoos, but Ariana Grande had her 42nd over the weekend, a unicorn. It’s believed Miley Cyrus has the most with 53. … Update on Kevin Spacey. As more and more accusations of Spacey’s sexual misconduct with young men keep coming, his career is over. Nothing in the pipeline and his big budget film Gore Vidal (was to be released) days after the sex stories broke, so that movie remains locked away in the Netflix attic.

So some hamburger franchises and folks like DoorDash, Uber Eats and Grub Hub are delivering food. I ordered a cheeseburger, fries and a milk shake and when it arrived 10 minutes late, the burger was cold and soggy through the bread, the fries hard and uneatable and the shake was same temperature as the burger. Just saying, have a care.


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