Report for Tuesday, Oct 25th

Movie News: Equalizer 3 with Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning will start shooting today in Italy. The first two Equalizers made $200 million each respectively. And Brendan Frazier who starred in The Mummy and The Mummy Returns is currently in negotiations to make another Mummy movie and those two movies made $400 million each.

Music and Sports: Johnny Depp and his Hollywood Vampires will tour with Alice Cooper. And F.Y.I. Alice is a great golfer and golfs everyday in the winter in Palm Springs. … With Yankee fans booing home run king Aaron Judge because of high strike outs and low batting averages and with Judge hating New York City, where will Judge be next year? Here are the teams most interested in Judge, San Francisco, Cubs, Boston, Dodgers and St. Louis! Aaron is from California and I would be shocked if he returned to New York. 

Odds and Ends: The mid-terms are two weeks from today and for the first time on an election day, there will be a total Lunar eclipse. Just thought it an interesting nugget. … These clowns who are defacing Monet paintings by throwing mashed potatoes on them to protest climate change are idiots. The paintings didn’t do anything, they should throw mashed potatoes on these celebrities and John Kerry who fly all over in their private jets. … Most expensive tour is set, it’s Bruce Springsteen. Tickets range from $520 to $3,150 and that’s the printed price, not the scalpers prices. Tour starts in February. … New list of misbehaving celebrities in restaurants #5 Rachael Ray, #4 Adam Levine, #3 Cuba Gooding Jr., #2 Sean Penn and #1 Naomi Campbell. 

I can’t believe Andy Dick is still getting parts. For the record, Dick has been arrested 10 times, mainly sexual battery! In 1999 Dick was questioned about the death of his roommate! And many blame him for the death of Phil Hartman. Phil’s wife was a recovering addict when Dick got her hooked on blow again told her lies about Phil and when when she was high, she shot and killed Phil in a murder/suicide. Phil’s best friend Jon Lovitz even punched out Andy Dick twice when they have bumped into each other out in public.


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