Report for Tuesday, Nov 30th

Got a rare Pop Quiz this morning, name the celebrity who doesn’t believe in and doesn’t have a cell phone. Is it Tom Cruise, Vince Vaughn or Simon Cowell?

Court Docket: Ghislaine Maxwell is currently on trial and charged with drugging, conning and illegally recruiting girls as young at 14 for Jeffery Epstein’s sexual pleasures. To keep out of prison she could name names of some of Epstein’s buddies who we know traveled with Epstein on Epstein’s private jet to Epstein’s private islands, and may have been set up with these young girls! Names mentioned include Harvey Weinstein,  Professor Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Woody Allen,  Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. Clinton flew 9 times on Epstein’s private plane. However from the prosecutes opening statements yesterday, it doesn’t sound like there’s a deal. Sound like they want to nail her to the wall. Prediction, it will be quick and guilty. … And don’t forget, Jussie Smollett’s trial just started. Prediction, it’ll be quick and guilty. Also prosecutors have asked the Supreme Court to throw out the ruling that allowed Bill Cosby to be released from prison. That could be interesting.

Love Nuggets: Casey Affleck (46) is about to pop the question to his 23 year old girlfriend, Caylee Cowan. … Christina Ricci’s been married 2 months but is 6 months pregnant. As Howard Cosell would say, “Who goofed, I got to know.” I miss Howard.

Odds and Ends: More reasons to dislike LeBron James. He’s made hundreds of millions of dollars from shoes made in China off the backs of slaves, bloodies the face of opponents on the court, demands fans be thrown out of games for heckling him, makes vulgar gestures on the court in front of kids and now word he has declined to make an appearance for a Make A Wish. How big a jerk can you be.

Been a long time, so added a trick, none of those celebrities have cell phones. And Elton John, Ridley Scott, Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber also don’t have cells. Got cha!


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