Report for Tuesday, Mar. 19th

The big story last week about fraudulent admissions to college, all of these stars went to college, so name the only celebrity who managed a Doctorate degree. Is it James Franco, Jodie Foster, Maggie Gyllenhaal or Jennifer Garner?

TV News: Hearing a lot of great things about a new series called, World on Fire. The series is set during WW2 in England and France, and how the war affected just ordinary people living in the middle of it. From BBC and starring Helen Hunt as a WW2 News correspondent. … Worst TV show in years, The Fix on ABC. The hideous Marcia Clark produced this bogus, bunk, joke about a barely veiled O.J. retrial showing how she blew it. (0 Stars) 

Very Odd Odds and End: A Worcester Medical study announces they believe marijuana could be to women almost what Viagra is to men in a different way, making sex more enjoyable mentally and physically. There is no shortage of women who have volunteered for the study. … While Paris Jackson still insists, she did not attempt suicide Saturday. Yesterday, the LAPD stated while HIPAA laws dictate they can’t use names, they were called to Paris’s address for a suicide victim, an ambulance was called and did transport a person to a hospital. … You’ve heard how bad L.A. rush hour traffic is, well Billy Baldwin’s wife was in Beverly Hills and had a 78 mile drive to their home in Santa Barbara. Google map projected the 78 miles would take 6 hours. She just got a hotel room and went home next day. 

In case you missed it, the 320 pound woman who got life in prison for killing a 9 year old child by sitting on her as a punishment is now demanding retrial. I guess she doesn’t believe the scales of Justice were served.

Answer – Jennifer Garner went to Denison University, Maggie Gyllenhaal went to Columbia, Jodie Foster went to Yale, but it was James Franco who earned a PHD in English also at Yale.


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