Their constant denial is a joke, I’m talking about Meryl Streep and Martin Short who continue to spew the sheep dip that they are not dating. As the old Jack Webb would say in the old but classic Dragnet show, “Right, I got it, Thanks.” They have been spotted in Miami, New York, Los Angeles and Palm Springs. They say they are just friends. Ah, yeah, friends with benefits.
Have you seen the latest embarrassing, almost clownish while trying to be sexy self dancing display video of Britney Spears. Britney is 43 and while her body is still cute enough, her under dressed dancing in leopard tights with a butt floss, is just sad.
More bad news for P-Diddy. Now on top of all the sex charges, formal charges have been filed against him by former employees claiming civil and criminal violating forced labor laws. Indictments could be filed, stay tuned.
Movie News: Travis Kelcie is very busy this week, besides spendings evenings with Taylor Swift, Travis has a new day job, acting. He apparently has a nice roll in the Happy Gilmore 2 movie currently being shot, Adam Sandler is back in this sequel. Did you know that the original was released 30 years ago? … Here are a couple movies that are coming this month. First, Holland. This will be streaming in two weeks, an Amazon Prime movie that Nicole Kidman stars and she also directed. This is a killer thriller. Debuts March 27th. … Coming to a theater near you March 21st, Disney’s Snow White.
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