Report for Tuesday, Mar 10th

Pop Quiz: According to Rolling Stone Magazine, these are the Top 4 television shows of All Time, but what’s #1? Is it Seinfeld, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or Mad Men?

Love Nuggets: One sad, one bad, and one’s a fad. The sad is Katy Perry’s grand mother passing. Katy was even closer to her Nana than her own parents. … The bad, involves, another rape accusation against Roman Polanski, this one reportedly happened 47 years ago? That’s odd. … And the fad, anytime Brad Pitt is seen even walking down the street next to a woman, it’s assumed there’s a love connection, It’s a fad. Well, Brad had dinner with an unknown lady Saturday, but there was nothing romantic. I hear she was just a friend of a friend from his hometown of Springfield, Missouri. Jennifer you still got chance.

TV News: Got two more great shows on Netflix worth binging, The Stranger and and The Five. Both English, both really great. … Coming to ABC is a TV Drama called, The Big Sky. Shot in Montana, story about a kidnapping. Produced by David E. Kelley, stars Ryan Phillippe and written by the folks who did Fargo. … Most aggravating TV spot is Joe Namath bragging that a medicare supplement now delivers his meals to his home. Really? Namath worth $20 Million.

Crime News: About to explode on TV, Chad Daybell and wife Lori Vallow are not only charged with the disappearance of their 2 kids back in November, then fleeing to Hawaii. Now they’re being investigated in the 3 unusual, unexplained family deaths including Lori’s fourth husband, Lori’s brother and Chad’s ex-wife. And all trials can be televised in Idaho. Lori was in court Friday, in prison cloths, but new blond hair doo, hot pink lipstick, blue finger and toe nails and laughing it up.  This will be a huge trial. … And, in moving papers, the Illinois Supreme court turned down Jussie Smollett’s request that the new charges against him be dis-missed. That trial will go forward.

Answer – #4 Seinfeld, #3 Mad Men, #2 Breaking Bad and #1 The Sopranos.


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