Report for Tuesday, July 7th

Love Nuggets: Accused child sex trafficker Ms. Maxwell is set for arraignment Friday, Prince Andrew has canceled his 25 year long annual celebrity golf tournament and has gone into hiding and he’s been asked to leave Buckingham Palace. This will get ugly. … Is It True with Kelly Clarkson’s recent divorce, she’s been quietly seeing her old American Idol boyfriend, Justin Guarini. Yes that is true, stay tuned.

Brad Pitt has signed to star in Bullet Train. It’s about a group of feuding hitmen and assassins with conflicting motives on the Japanese Bullet Train running between Tokyo and Osaka. Brad says this could be the best movie he’s ever done and calls it a cross between Keanu Reeves bus thriller movie, Speed, and Liam Neeson’s thriller, Non-Stop. Bullet Train is under Brad’s Plan B Production Company’s umbrella. … Speaking of Brad Pitt’s Film Production Company, Plan B Entertainment, they currently have 30 TV Shows and movies on the drawing board, and versatility is Plan B’s key. Brad just green lighted another really great film with an incredible really long title. It’s called, The World According to Fannie Davis, My Mother’s Life in the Detroit Numbers. True story of Fannie’s mom in Detroit in the 60’s, a poor black mom determined to put her kids in good schools and live a middle class life. But it’s not easy, she works 3 jobs, is a bookie and runs her neighborhood number’s racket. No cast but everybody is talking about this film. 

TV News: Worth binging on Hulu, Banished, take my word, it is fabulous. It’s set in 1788 Australia where England criminals are sent and suffer just to survive. 

Odds and Ends: So Kanye West is running for President, well he won’t be getting Jay-Z, John Legend, Taylor Swift, Drake or Justin Timberlake’s vote. They have all been feuding with Kanye and even refused to appear in several charity concert events. … And sorry to hear about Charlie Daniels passing. Met him only once at a Dodger celebrity versus media game. I played on the media team, Charlie the celebrity team. Great guy. 


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