Report for Tuesday, July 12th

Who say’s love can’t last in Hollywood?  A Love Nugget Pop Quiz. Who has been married the longest, is it Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, Sam Elliott, or Warren Beatty?

Steven Spielberg – 31 years

Warren Beatty – 32 years 

Sam Elliott – 38 years

Ronnie Howard – 44 years

TV News: I tell you about must see TV shows, well today, two shows to avoid like the Covid. On ABC, Generation Gap, with the goofy, boring, ridiculous, annoying, Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest. And on NBC, Who Do You Think You Are, where pseudo celebs look into their ancestry. … But I got two good documentaries for ya, first on Hulu, Framing Britney Spears, and coming to Netflix in September, Britney vs Spears! Very different but both worth watching.

Movie News: James Cameron is in post production of the new Avatar and says that the final cut may be 4 hours, and if the studios and public don’t like it, tough.

Odds and Ends: Jon Stewart has announced he is not running for President, and I would like to announce I too am not running for President, which is great news for all of America. … Exclusive, Justin Timberlake is about to release his first album in four years and I hear it is fabulous, full of surprises. Justin as you’ve never heard him before, heard it here first. … Update, Demi Moore is now dedicating all her time not to acting but modeling. … Reminds me, Madonnas daughter Lourdes has signed to model for Burberry and Calvin Klein. … Michael Jackson died 13 years ago and in that time his Estate has made $2.1 billion. … People who have worked with Amber Heard are coming out of the woodwork and calling her a jerk, a creep, a monster and worse. I’m not surprised.

Funny Nugget: Tic Tok has posted a video of sea lions chasing beach goers away from La Jolla beach. I lived in La Jolla for a year, just before the O.J. Simpson trial and when I wasn’t playing Torres Pines golf, I was playing on La Jolla beach and half that time I was being chased by those mean Sea Lions. Nothing new about that story. They’re brutal!


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