Report for Tuesday, Aug 8th

Instant Pop Quiz: Last week I did something for the first time, did I get my first speeding ticket, first library card or first pedicure?

Love Nuggets: 48 year old Leonardo DiCaprio has made a vow not to date any women over 25 years old but he spent the weekend with 32 year old Arabella Chi. … Bohemian Rhapsody Oscar winner Rami Malek and girlfriend Lucy Boynton have broken up after 5 years. They were best friends before becoming lovers and co-starring in the movie and different from most Hollywood romances, they are still best friends and say, they just grew apart and would still do anything for one another. A happy ending.  

Movie News: Nobody surprised, there’s talk of a Barbie 2, but I doubt that director Greta Gurwig would agree to it. No guarantee a second movie would have the same box office. … Slapgate was 18 months ago when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars. Since then Will has lost a lot of acting gigs and has only two acting gigs planned, a crime thriller called, Fast and Loose, and a sci-fi film called Brilliance. Both are just optioned. 

Television News: Two shows starting new seasons, one really good show and one really bad. The good, The Lincoln Lawyer, and the really bad, Justified: City Primeval. 

Odds and Ends: Madonna is feeling better and is rescheduling her concert tour this fall. … If I had a lot of money and could be in London on September 5th, I’d be a Sothebys where they will auction thousands of Freddy Mercury’s belongings. Freddy was a hoarded and never threw anything away and all of those things are going under the hammer. … Very sad news, Huey Lewis has announced he has lost his hearing. … Every once in a while I am reminded of an old movie and want to recommend and while Rotten Tomatoes gave it 51%, the 2017’s The Glass Castle with Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts and Bri Larson is one of my Top 10 movies. It is a true story on Netflix. 

Answer: I got my first Library Card!


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