Report for Tuesday, Aug 25th

We start off with one of the greatest stories I’ve ever heard. Back in the 1970’s I met the greatest casting director in Hollywood, 61 year old Lynn Stalmaster. We met at the Final 4 college basketball championship game. He would later cast me in a several movies including Fast Break and Cheaper to Keep Her, but the story Lynn told me was about W.C. Fields. Errol Flynn, Buster Keaton, Groucho Marx and Stan Laurel’s weekly poker game. Lynn swore, W.C. Fields and Errol Flynn went and dug up John Barrymore from his grave and brought his body to the poker game as a joke. And it was years later that Lynn cast the movie, Weekend at Bernie’s, and that is where the story originated. And now Drew Barrymore confirms she’s heard the same story! I heard it 45 years ago and never forgot it, and F.Y.I. Drew debuts her new TV talk show next week on CBS.

More TV News: Sunday nights ratings #1 60 Minutes – 7.06 total million viewers, #2 Biden-Harris Interview – 5.13 total million viewers, #3 B.B. – 4.19 total million viewers,  #4 NHL Stanley Cup Hockey – 1.18 million viewers, and #5 America’s Funniest Video – 905,000 total viewers. 

Odds and Ends: Britney Spears has flatly refused help from the ACLU involving her ugly fight against her dad in her conservatorship battle. A judge will decide her fate. … No surprise Australia has canceled Ellen, and England will do the same next month. … Another new story that is not new, just released Michael Jackson hand written notes accusing the Beatles and Elvis as raciest! Jacko wrote Elvis just impersonated blacks to become popular yet never let blacks in his band, and for a long time wouldn’t let black back-up singers on his tours. While Jacko and the Beatles were friends not so with Elvis. … And Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber are starting their own swimsuit line.

Coronavirus News: Australia has suspended all TV shows including Masked Singer. … My second home after Hawaii is Redondo beach and they have just hired private security to monitor their streets to make sure people are wearing masks, even surfers.


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