Report for Tuesday, Aug 20th

A lot of people out there won’t even know who Phil Donahue is but he died yesterday! Phil was 88! Phil invented the TV talk show format. He was married 44 years to Marlo Thomas. Phil and Marlo often said they credited their long and happy marriage to the 3 L’s – love, listening and lust. He died after a very long illness. Rest in peace.

The strategically well planned hatred Angelina Jolie has been been working on for years turning her and Brad Pitt’s kids against him, paid off yesterday, when their 18 year old daughter Shiloh legally had Pitt removed from her name! Now just Shiloh Jolie. Sad.

Everyday this week, I am going to give you two or three of the best movies by category all made, according to the Hollywood Reporter, during the Golden Age of Movies, which was the 1970’s and all these movies are streaming! Today’s categories, Most Thrilling and Funniest movies. Most Thrilling, there are three, Alien, Jaws, and French Connection. Funniest movies, there are three, Blazing Saddles, Animal House and M*A*S*H. I would also add The Producers! … While we are talking best movies, and with the Democrat Convention taking place, here are my five favorite political movies. #5 Malcolm X, #4 All the President’s Men, #3 A 1939 fabulous classic starring Jimmy Stewart, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. #2 Milk, the true story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to public office! And #1 Dr. Strangelove, a true classic.

Odds and Ends: Matthew Perry’s drug dealer is best friends with Charlie Sheen and Scarlett Johansson. And I’m sure I’ll have more Hollywood connections upcoming. … I don’t what the whole story is, but Nicolas Cage is going to play former Oakland Raider head coach and video game guru, John Madden. Amazon and MGM studios say that it’s not exactly a biopic with a video game type twist. Say what?


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