Report for Tuesday, Apr 7th

Switching Pop Quiz gears this week, celebrities and foods they hate, refuse to eat, some say make them sick! Today, name of the celebrity who hates and won’t eat cheese of any kind. Is it Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Gwyneth Paltrow or Emily Blunt?

Coronavirus Stuff: With all of us watching a lot more TV, there’s been a jump in the ratings. Top 10 Shows with the biggest gains are #10 Shark Tank, #9 Survivor, #8The Good Doctor, #7 ORD Fire, #6 NCIS, #5 Blacklist, #4 The Voice, #3 ORD Med, #2 A.F.V. and no surprise, #1 show with biggest ratings bump is 60 Minutes. I still recommend Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu or Disney Plus. All worth the money. … Miley Cyrus and boyfriend Cody Simpson not only deliver tacos to health care workers but also people in line for testing and those doing the test in Dodger Stadium’s parking lot. … There’s one business that’s still booming in New York and you’ll never guess what it is. Sex trade, prostitutes! Plenty available on the streets, so much for quarantine. 

Somebody tell Woody Harrelson to put down the pipe! When the Coronavirus first hit, it was noted few cases were in Africa, where there were no 5G cell phone towers and some people blamed the towers. Despite all scientist and doctors guaranteed there was no connection, some nuts burned down 5G Cell Phone towers in England! But, Woody won’t be swayed by facts and still says the towers are the cause of virus. Momma Mia.

Okay with that done, a continuing family feud between Rachel Markel, which is Meghan Markle’s real name and everybody in her family. Her sister Samantha has been calling news services saying Meghan would step on anybody to get ahead. And has lied and cheated her own parents, and all family members seem to agree with Samantha. … Want some good news? Check out John Krasinski and Steve Carell’s weekly podcast called, Some Good News. And that’s what it is.

You can’t say enough for the health care workers.

Answer – Gwyneth Paltrow


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