Report for Tuesday, Apr. 2nd

I loved last week’s Pop Quiz Theme so much, we’re doing it again this week. How well do you know America, these 4 cities have the best nightlife, however which one is first. Is it New York City, New Orleans, Miami or Las Vegas?

The latest on Jussie Smollett is interesting. If Smollett doesn’t pay Chicago the $133,000 for the cost of investigating, the city will sue in a civil case. That means all the police evidence will be let into court and like the O.J. civil, case Smollett will be found guilty, and ordered to pay the $133,000 and another $100,000 in court costs and when the evidence comes out the public will see what a shmuck Smollett really is. And the Feds may still jump in and file charge next. To quote Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

Odds and Ends: Celebrity sighting and holy crap, in an itsy-bitsy-yellow-polka dot bikini, on Malibu beach, with long hair, deep tan, and obviously been working out, Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer has never looked hotter! In a word, no two words, holy crap! She’s a 12. … A friend who lives in Pacific Palisades, California which is between Beverly Hills and Malibu said he needed 18 gallons to fill his truck, cost $72.54, gas was 4 dollars 3 cents a gallon. … As I told you, Mick Jagger’s health problem was more serious but not life threatening, it is heart surgery for a stent. 95% success rate surgery.

TV News: This Is Us is still winning Tuesday night, but it is down 33% from last year. I am concerned their announcement they plan to get more political could really hurt a good show. The show that follows it, The Village is more like a Hamlet, nobody watching, on Life Support.

Answer – #4 New York, #3 New Orleans, #2 Miami, #1 Las Vegas.


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