Report for Tuesday, Apr 19th

Final Easter Nugget: A dressed up easter bunny in Texas was handing out condoms at to kids at an Easter Day Parade. And you thought you had heard everything. Sorry, wrong!

TV News: Viola Davis, is the producer and star of The First Lady, playing Michele Obama, continues to get blasted for her bad make up, accused of giving Michelle duck lips.

Odds and Ends: Can you believe it, the John Hinkley concert dates are sold out. … Bizarre, their are millions of people locked down in Shanghai, all because of covid! The China government refuse to use American vaccinations and their vaccine only works 15% of the time and they don’t have enough for the people. Be glad you live in America. … I’m shocked Will Smith got a standing ovation at a Starbucks in Calabasas on Monday.  … The judge in the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial is calling the participants the most out of control people he’s ever seen. Between Johnny and Ambers signing autographs, fans yelling, texting, talking and laughing, he’s not happy with the Hollywood people! Don’t be surprised if there are some contempt of courts handed out. Stay tuned. … After the attack in the N.Y. Subway last week, Uber demand in the city are up 1200%. 

TV News: Coming Sunday, Gaslit, a great 8 part docudrama series that looks at the real story back in 1972, when Nixon’s Attorney General John Mitchell faces the media about the Watergate scandal but the main story is his out of control pill popping, drunk wife Martha Mitchel who insists of blowing the whistle on Nixon and the whole Watergate story. The media follows her everywhere. John played by Sean Penn his wife played by Julia Roberts. This is one of the most incredible stories in our history (4 Stars).

Sports Shorts: A little birdie tells me there are three teams that have at least talked to Colin Kaepernick, the Los Angeles Rams, the New York Jets and Cleveland Browns. … TV ratings for the United States Football League drew a weak, 2.4 million viewers. And F.Y.I. USFL players are paid, $4500 per week for the 10 week schedule. That’s it.


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