Report for Thursday, Sept 12th

Old Love Rumor: Debunked, for years there had been this story floating around that Dax Shepard and his wife Kristen Bell were secret swingers that had X-rated swinger parties. I never believed it, they refused to even acknowledge those stories until this week, when once and for all, they said what I knew all along. Those stories were nothing but bull shoy, nothing to them. F.Y.I. they have been married 11 years, have 2 children and are very religious. Nuff said! 

Hollywood and Politics: I wasn’t going to say anything, but I have to. Decades ago when I worked for the New York Post, I interviewed John Wayne. It was a long interview that took place on his Yacht, the Wild Goose. During that interview he made a lot of political comments and even said who he was going to support for President and asked that his fans vote the same way. Back then I wrote, why would anybody vote for somebody because John Wayne said to? I was shocked and wrote that. While I liked Wayne, he was a multi-millionaire, never went to the market, never worried about bills, that he lived in a privileged, out of touch, unrealistic, fantasy world. He didn’t live in the real world like us!  Why would you take his advice just because he’s an actor? It was ridiculous. And the same is true with Taylor Swift, or any celebrity! Talk to your grocer, a neighbor, your barber or anybody, but certainly not a celebrity!

Question: Would you pay to see a concert called, Conversation with Larry David? I’m sure he has some great stories, I mean he created Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm was fabulous, but don’t know he’s concert worthy. Larry has announced a tour, starting on my birthday September 20th in Denver with Peyton Manning. Tour also includes Chicago, Philidelphia, Seattle and more.

Tomorrow movie reviews, some good, some bad and some stinkers coming out before the end of year!


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