Report for Thursday, Oct 29th

Movie News: Blame the Coronavirus, it cost millions for a studio to campaign for a movie to win an Oscar and winning an Oscar can also make studios hundreds of millions. But since theaters have been shut down because of the virus, they don’t have the money to campaign for Oscars. So MGM studios have decided that, Aretha Franklin’s biopic with Jennifer Hudson won’t be released for Oscar consideration. New date is November 2021. … There’s more, Dune, which could be the best Sci-fi ever has been moved from Christmas to October 2021. … And the new Batman is delayed till late Summer 2022. … The 007 movie, No Time to Die, will be released on the big screen four weeks before it shows up on Netflix. Open’s April 2nd at theaters and streaming begins May 1st. 

 There are five documentary’s that have an inside track for an Oscar. Everyday I’ll review one. Today, Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. It’s about a summer camp for kids in the 1950’s with serious disabilities who kept in touch and banded together in the 1960’s and 70’s to fight for civil rights and disability access. This film will make you sad, mad and laugh. And the vintage film from 1950’s,60’s and 70’s is absolutely fabulous (4 Stars).

Odds and Ends: A kid about 19-20 years old was in line with me at the grocery. I had my I voted sticker on and he asked me, how much does it cost to vote? … I don’t get it, I never understood why these jerks would set fire to police cars and stores when their team loses the Super Bowl or the World Series. But I really don’t get these jerks who do the same thing when their team wins. However, there was plenty of rioting, gun play and looting in L. A. after the Dodgers won the Series. … And great news, Jennifer Lawrence, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sofia Vergara, Josh Brolin will appear November 15th with the Clare–Matrix foundation to raise funds for mental health treatment for Los Angeles’s most vulnerable residents.


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