Report for Thursday, Oct 1st

Movie News: There are a couple prequel’s on the drawing board. First, Disney’s Lion King, this will be huge, the original made $6.3 billion. … The other prequel is Borat on Amazon TV. Do we really need that? … More movie news, the much anticipated Disney/Marvel movie, Black Widow, will not be released on Christmas as planned, it’s been moved back to May 7th. … Aretha Franklin’s biopic, Respect, with Jennifer Hudson will be released January 15th. … Anthony Hopkins will star in the film, One Life, playing the real life Nicholas Winton who saved 600 refugee children from the Nazi’s on the eve of W.W.2. This true story was kept a secret for 50 years until Nicholas was 88 and told the story.

TV News: On Netflix is Season 4 of The Crown. They will explore the unexpected and odd close relationship between Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Princess Di. … Again, I want to remind everybody the new Fargo is on both FX and Hulu. This may be the best one so far and Chris Rock is proving he has some serious acting chops. … Saturday Night Live returns this week. The audience must arrive 8 hours before the show, all will be tested for Coronavirus, all must wear masks and same for the cast and crew.

Odds and Ends: Regarding the Kelly Clarkson law suit against her estranged husband’s dad, who has been her manager for years. This is going to get very ugly! Kelly says she’s owed over a million dollars and her money started slowing up the same time her marriage started falling apart. I think there could be a criminal investigation. … Publicist name the sexiest, best shape male celebrities over the age of 50. #5 Rob Lowe, #4 Will Smith, #3 Anderson Cooper, #2 Antonio Banderas and #1 Matthew McConaughey. … Latest Coronavirus stats that have caught my attention. Since March, murder is up 42%, assault is up 45%, suicide is up 46%, robbery is up 65% and domestic violence is up 64%. The only thing down is arrests. Not good.


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