Report for Thursday, Nov 21st

Pop Quiz: Name the celebrity who grew up in New Hampshire, is a huge fan of the New York Mets, signed the first deal with Netflix and brags he’s a Russian/Jew. Is it James Franco, Steven Seagal, Adam Sandler or Sean Penn?

TV News: This is Us, season finale on Tuesday had huge ratings. If you haven’t watched it, may I suggest you binge it between now and Jan 14th when it returns. … If you want to see a good SNL, watch the old SNL that is on an hour before the new SNL. EL CHAPO’s wife starred on VH1’s documentary called, Cartel Crew. Really? What’s next, finding Hitler’s great grand granddaughter and making a star out of her too? … Caitlyn Bruce Jenner is a favorite to win England’s reality show “I’m a Celebrity”. She did fine while laying in a coffin and they dropped over 50,000 cockroaches on her. She didn’t flinch when they put a super huge helmet on her head and then dropped a dozen snakes in the helmet . Why would she flinch, she lived with the Kardashians? Sidebar, Kris Jenner worries if Caitlin wins she’ll be on every talk show and might tell deep secrets about the Kardashian family. Comment, That would be great. … Follow-up on Caitlin’s reality show in England. You won’t see anything like it here, because PETA went to court and there’ll be no eating of bugs, dumping snakes on people, or anything like it on Fear Factor, Survivor or any other show in America. 

Odds and Ends: Felicity Huffman has returned to the prison to meet with female inmates who she became friends with when she was inside. She starting a movement to help these women get back on their feet when they get out. I say, bravo to Felicity. … With 34 days till Christmas, Gwyneth Paltrow suggests you buy her $40 a roll toilet paper. Hey, it’s 3 ply, very soft, made with crushed bamboo and scented. Just $40 a roll. A stocking and toilet stuffer.

Head’s Up, more movie review tomorrow.

Answer – Adam Sandler.


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