Report for Thursday, Nov 10th

We start today with one of the most special birthdays in our history! Today, November 10th, 2022 is the U.S. Marines 274th birthday, the bravest men and women we have. First in, last out, it is Simper Fi day, AKA, Always Faithful. And let me recommend a truly great book, Hero’s from the Wall, by my good friend Marine Gunny Sargent John Douglas Foster. His memories of fellow marines he fought with that didn’t make it back home, who’s names are on the The Vietnam memorial wall in Washington D.C. Available on Amazon or Barns and Noble. John is a great American, great friend but to be honest, not a very good putter.

Love Nugget: Now it can be told. Jennifer Lawrence says that while shooting The Hunger Games, there was a lot of pot smoking taking place on the set and after filming every night, a contest to see who could do the most whiskey shots. … True love, for the last two years Ben Affleck has been trying to get Jennifer Lopez back. Quietly sending her e-mails, texts, letters and calling her. Like a junk yard dog, Affleck never gave up trying to win her back and he did.

Odds and Ends: Very odd that Sean Penn went to Ukraine and gave President Zelenskyy his Oscar, but made him promise he would give it back when the war was over. That’s odd. … You want really odd? National Park officials are warning people to stop licking the Colorado river toads. On the back of these toads are a liquid that protects them from praetors but when licked by humans it produces a hallucinogenic high. That is odd! … Not odd but surprising, just replacing Las Vegas as the wildest U.S. city, Nashville.

TV Nugget: Kudos to Amy Schumer who’s hosted last Saturday’s Saturday Night Live and got the show a nice, rare and much needed rating bump. 

Sports Shorts: The World Cup starts in 10 days, one of the greatest sporting events on earth, for my money, better than the Olympics. The American National team was named yesterday and their first game is November 21st against Wales.


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