Report for Thursday, Mar 9th

Love Nugget: Or not. Tiger Wood’s girlfriend of six years, Erica Herman, has filed court papers asking the non-disclosure agreement be nullified pointing to a little known federal statue that states it can be if sexual assault or harassment is involved. Look, I don’t know what happened in their bedroom, and it is true Tiger is a sleezeball, serial adulterer, however none of the women he had affairs with had any negative things to say about Tiger. Tiger’s ex-wife, Elin and his only other serious girlfriends, Cori Rist, Jamie Grubbs, Rachel Uchitel, Lindsey Vaughn and Kristen Smith never accused Tiger of any sexual assault or harassment. And Erica has been accused of making wild demands of Tiger. By the way this ugly break-up has been in process for 6 months, including Erica accusing Tiger of locking her out of his house. Who knows how this plays out but I’ll keep you posted. 

I love good stories about celebrities and I love this story about Rod Stewart. The UK government is balking on paying certain MRI and Ultrasound medical scans, being held up by political bickering! Meanwhile Rod Stewart has been paying millions of dollars of his own money to complete strangers, paying for hundreds of medical scans. Stewart says the government is tighter than two coats of paint! I say good on Rod Stewart.

TV News: Do you like Documentaries? I love them and the History channel has just announced they are doing documentaries on President Franklin Deleno Roosevelt, Bradley Cooper, Dan Aykroyd and Morgan Freeman. Coming this summer, can’t wait. … You have to hand it to CBS, Young Sheldon had decent numbers in the beginning then the bottom dropped out, then it started gaining viewers and now it’s always in the Top 10, usually the Top 3, and has been #1 in the past three weeks. … Setting the record straight. Yesterday I mentioned the E channel was doing a new reality series with Kevin Hart, the first one featuring Nick Cannon looking for his next baby momma, called, Who’s Having My Baby. Some folks didn’t realize it’s a prank show.


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